Salmon Gravlax, Tomato Salad

Hello, salmon food lover. for you salmon lovers, you should try this salmon recipe. friends can see for yourself the color of salmon in this picture looks tempting isn't it. apalgi taste from salmon is definitely very delicious. combined with a sauce that can suit your taste add to the delicious taste of the salmon itself. friends must and must try it it's very delicious. .


  • 1 1 kg salmon fillet with skin
  • 250 g Flower of salt or coarse salt
  • 80 g Powdered red sugar and as much powdered sugar
  • 1 Lemon (the juice and grated rind finely
  • 2 tbsp. coffee Horseradish cream (optional)
  • 2 tbsp. coffee Celery seeds and as many seeds of fennel and crushed white pepper
  • ½ c. coffee Chilli powder
  • 4 c. soup Coarsely chopped parsley
  • 6 Beautiful tomatoes cut into thick slices
  • 200 g Cherry tomatoes cut in half
  • 3 Branches of celery finely chopped
  • 1 Onion peeled and cut into thin slices
  • 6 cl Olive oil
  • 1 C. soup Wine vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. soup Sauce Worcestershire
  • 1 C. coffee Tabasco (more or less according to taste)
  • ½ Lemon (the juice)
  • 1 Garlic clove, coarsely chopped


  1. Prepare the salmon. Mix in a bowl salt, sugars, half of the lemon zest and all the juice, horseradish and 1 tbsp. each of the seeds and pepper and chilli. Spread a length of about 50 cm of food film on the worktop. Pour one third of the contents of the bowl at one end of the film. Place the salmon, skin side on the work surface, on the fragrant mixture you have just put down. Cover the salmon with the rest of the mixture, spread it well. Roll everything in the food film by closing the sides well. Repack salmon in food film. Do not hesitate to repeat a third time if necessary to make everything as airtight as possible. Place the salmon on a plate and reserve in the refrigerator for 2 or 3 days by turning the salmon in its dish from time to time.
  2. Before serving, remove the salt and other ingredients stuck on the salmon: pass it very quickly under a trickle of water, then dry it carefully with paper towels. Wrap the salmon in food again, this time a layer is enough, and put it in the fridge until it is used. You can keep the salmon for 2 or 3 days.

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